Each House has a ‘Head of House’ who is able to assist in more complicated pastoral situations. However, the majority of pastoral work will be initially responded to by the Subject Teacher and/or the Form Tutor. Please see the ‘Houses’ part of the website for more information.
Student Wellbeing
At The Oakwood Academy we believe in nothing but the best for our students and aim to be outstanding in everything that we do. We recognise the importance of the wellbeing of the students that attend our school and endeavour to ensure we can effectively support the students through a multifaceted whole school approach.
Mental Health Support Pathway
The Oakwood Academy takes the mental health and wellbeing of all staff and students extremely seriously. We recognise that sometimes our young people will require additional support within their day-to-day lives to navigate the complexities they may face throughout their teenage years.
Your child may be experiencing mental health difficulties, they may recognise this themselves, or you yourself could be concerned about their mental health and wellbeing. It could be that a trauma has been experienced that has negatively impacted their mental health, or sometimes there isn’t an obvious reason to explain the difficulties. Either way, recognition, communication and the correct support are three important stages to promote and sustain positive mental health and wellbeing.
If you are concerned about your child’s mental health and wellbeing, the school can offer a range of support. We operate levels of support dependent on the needs of the student, and we aim to follow a progressive pathway to ensure the correct support is implemented at the correct time. The diagram below indicates the Mental health and Wellbeing Pathway at The Oakwood Academy.