Brighton & Hove Albion CEO visit 31/01/2025
On Friday 31st we hosted the CEO of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club, Paul Barber who came in as part of a charity called Speakers for Schools to deliver a talk to our students. The Year 9 and 10 Flying High Programme students with the Year 12 and 13 BTEC Sport students we present for the talk. Paul explained the struggles he had as a young child and how he overcame difficulties. His talk was very inspirational and got our students to really focus on aiming high and to never give up on their dreams.
Lisa Williamson Workshop 28/11/2024
The Oakwood Academy was delighted to welcome back Lisa Williamson, an author of books for children and young people and the reading ambassador for the Redhill Trust. The Year 7 and 8 students in the Flying High Programme took part in creative writing workshops and were inspired to unlock their writing skills through a number of engaging activities. All students in the programme, from Year 7-10 alongside the Sixth Form students, listened to a brilliant careers assembly where Lisa told us how she went from being a local Redhill student, into her acting career, to now being a published author of many well-known books. There were many inspiring takeaway messages for our students and lots of them enjoyed meeting someone whose books they had grown up reading. The pupils displayed the excellent attributes of an Oakwood Student, and we thank Lisa for her time and look forward to the next time she comes to Oakwood.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
It gives us great pleasure to introduce our new Anti Bullying Ambassadors at The Oakwood Academy. The following students have been trained by the Diana Award, where they will be working towards their community badge throughout the 2024-2025 school year.
Anti Bullying Week 2024
We have recently trained new and existing members for our Anti Bullying Ambassadors here, who have been trained by the Diana Award (www.diana-award.org.uk). Part of their training and qualification, students have to present to all students to talk about who they are and what support is in place for the students at The Oakwood Academy. For Anti Bullying Week 2024, students took assemblies across the week talking to over 600 students about why bullying is wrong, who they can go talk to, we are one community and who can support them in school. We are extremely proud of our Anti Bullying Ambassadors and they did themselves and the school very proud.
Year 13 Wembley Trip 20/11/2024
On Wednesday 20th November, we were invited down to London to have a tour and presentation from the University Campus of Football Business (UCFB). Students were shown around the new campus, which is based next door to Wembley football stadium, where they have a partnership and access to the elite facility. Students were part of a presentation talking about all the courses and experiences outside the lecture theatres they have access to, if they apply in September 2025.
To finish the day, students were given a private tour of Wembley Football stadium to show them what jobs and experiences they can be offered if they decide to join UCFB.
Remembrance Day 11/11/2024
On the 11th November, Remembrance Day, The Oakwood Academy came together as a community to pay our respects to those who fought and died during World War One and conflicts since. We held our own Last Post Ceremony, with the trumpet being played by Mr Blundell and one of our Year 10 army cadets reading the 'Exhortation'. As well as this, every tutor group bought a wreath to the service that had been made by our students. It was a very proud moment to watch the school come together in such a way and one that will continue next year.
Black History Month
This month we have celebrated Black History Month in several ways. We have had assemblies where we talked about history, watched documentaries on famous black athletes, actors, inventors and many more. Students and staff have designed our banners that are proudly put up the path on the way into school as well as a display in the SSC. KS3 students have experience cooking different cultural foods to also celebrate Black History Month.
The Oakwood Community Day 06/09/2024
On Friday 6th September we had our first Oakwood Community day, which was called 'Activate'. The day was designed to initiate and develop positive teacher/student relationships and help improve relationships with peers. It was great to see all our students getting fully involved in the day and seeing our staff in a different environment. One of our core principles this year is to widen student experiences through Personal Development. This day certainly showed students doing that.