Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable UPDATE
After yesterday's cancelled exams due to the school closure, here is a summary of the changes moving forward to accommodate.
Friday 22nd Nov - AFTERNOON - Geog paper 1 PLUS NOW History paper 1
Thursday 28th Nov - MORNING - NOW Science: Biology
Friday 29th - MORNING - H&S Care PLUS NOW Computer Science Paper 2
The full remaining schedule is as follows -
Wed 20th November: 1.15pm: Maths P2 Calculator F/H
Thu 21st November: 8.45am: English Language P1
Thu 21st November: 1.15pm: French/Spanish Writing F/H
Fri 22nd November: 8.45am: Maths P3 Calculator F/H
Fri 22nd November: 1.15pm: Geography P1/ Hist P1
Monday 25th November: 8.45am: Combined Science Physics F/H + Triple Physics F/H
Monday 25th November: 1.15pm: Business:
Tue 26th November: 8.45am: DT/Drama
Tue 26th November: 11.30am: French Listening F/H
Tue 26th November: 1.15pm: History P3/RE P1 x 1 clash/Drama x 1 clash
Wed 27th November: 8.45am: RE P1/Computer Science P1/Hospitality
Wed 27th November: 11.30am: Spanish Listening F/H
Wed 27th November: 1.15pm: Geography P2/RE P1 x 2 clash
Thu 28th November: 8.45am: Combined Science Biology F/H + Triple Biology F/H
Thu 28th November: 11.30am: French/Spanish Reading F/H
Thu 28th November: 1.15pm: RE P2
Fri 29th November: 8.45am: HSC/ Comp Sci P2
Fri 29th November: 1.15pm: Music
Fri 29th November: All day : MFL Speaking Practice (by appointment)